Saturday, September 18, 2010

Learning Tools for Fun and Profit!

Today I learned a great tool (among many) for training sales people in the use of our syndicated research programs. Using Jing screen capture and video capture, I can create short videos in the use some of these tools without requiring each person to be in front of a computer screen.
This tool is one I can see myself using frequently as I develop different training programs within my organization.

Also thought I would talk to our general manager about using podcasts in place of weekly e-mail newsletters. Since we are in the business of selling tv, he often asks why we don't make better use of tv (or video) in our sales presentations. This would create a greater audience for his weekly message to our clients and likely provide greater perceived value that the email newsletter which may, by some, be viewed as spam.

Its an interesting idea and one that can help our station increase our interactivity both with our audience and with our clients.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be interested to hear how it goes. I think the practical application is critical. I'll also be interested to see how you figure out when to use what. With your advertising expereince, I would think it would be helpful in staying away from the "cool" factor and focussing on effectiveness.
