Monday, November 22, 2010

Technology: Do we use it just because we can? Does it matter if it's useful?

The country is atwitter regarding the new screening machines that show a person's skin and body parts...the debate as I see it is two-fold. First, there is some evidence that the advanced imaging technology does nothing to prevent attacks. With this evidence in mind, is it an appropriate use of time and resources to even be using the technology.

The second part of the debate revolves around privacy issues vs. Public safety. Just how much are we willing to undergo in order to ensure the highest level of airplane safety.

Chris Mathews brings up a good he has made before; if we get hit again (with a terrorist attack) the level of airport security will become more intrusive than we can even imagine today. So what do we do? Err on the side of personal privacy (an entirely western concept by the way)? What happens if we do suffer an attack? Who will we then blame?

Something to think about as we plan our holiday travel in this brave new world with such people in it...

1 comment:

  1. It all seems crazy to me. Frankly, I'm still mad they took my jar of marionberry jam two years ago when I tried to bring it in my carry-on mostly because I thought it would be less likely to break there, forgetting about the "gels or liquids" thing.
